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There is a lot of misunderstandings of what ABS is and what it does and more importantly, what it doesn't do. Let us discuss it with a listing of what I think are 3 facts and myths surrounding ABS and why it could save your life someday . ABS is Anti Brake-Locking System As the name implies, it prevents brake locks - the heart-stopping panicking moments of wheel locking up if we apply brake too suddenly. Brakes? Kinda are more important than the engine themselves. This can cause awesome skids which could be attractive if you are a stunt rider and are stunnting. Whereas, if you are trying to stop because you are riding head-on onto oncoming traffic; I have no clue why you would be; but that wouldn't spell good for you, so stopping the biking when you want it to stop is critical for riding. ABS is any system that prevents the wheel lock, by releasing the pressure on the brake disc, if it senses a wheel lock. This is done using motion sensors, which in turn

Life Lessons Learnt from Bunnies and 2Wheels

Having had a fluffle of rabbits (Recently learnt: a group of rabbits are also called a fluffle) for a few months now, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot from them, and through them by retrospection. Of those, I am penning down what I felt were the most underappreciated and barely discussed life lessons. And yes, since this is a blog about love-and motorcycles, these do in a way also relate to motorcycles. So here we go. Lesson 1: Love Can be Perceived Differently by the Giver and Receiver.   I used to pounce on the rabbits initially to cuddle them and show them that I love them. Hold them in my arms and feed them treats. But they would just get scared and run away. My method of showing love was to cuddle while theirs is to nudge, lick and groom. They wanted to be left undisturbed in their space. Perhaps if you are patient enough, they might let you share their space. Imagine a legacy printer with a serial port to your new Mac with Thunderbolt ports. Yes, the essence is the same,

How to Avoid Accidents In Indian Roads -or Can You? Part 1

I ndian roads, be it state, national highways, city roads or country roads, are all considered to be dangerous.   G iven this state of condition and the location of where I live and work (on highways), I have to take extreme caution and situational awareness in surviving the roads in daily commute. And adding several long distance motorcycle rides every few months, I am literally battling the odds in a number game to avoid accidents and have survived so far without any major accidents **touch-wood**. So with that level of authority, I can say that I am qualified to point a few methods and techniques that can be used to avoiding accidents on Indian Roads. >>The Definition of the Word Accident:   "an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury." The word implies that it can happen to anyone, can't be predicted. Means, it could happen riding a motorcycle or driving a car, or even when you are sleeping wher

Ergo, Rise

I fondly remember the first time I saw a motorcycle, the first time the memory of a machine on two wheels got etched into my mind. It was a moped and I was 2 years old, ergo, it seemed like a big machine that is capable of pulling an entire family. Utterly ignorant of its complexity, what stuck in my mind was that it was a useful addition. Fast-forwarding by several years, I remember being dropped at the school by my uncle or being taken out for ice cream. We as a family, never had a motorized vehicle as dad doesn't drive or ride so motorcycling became missing for the majority of my life. However, around high school, dad gifted me my first bicycle and with that, the range of my 'territory' increased! I remember the first time I crossed the Adyar bridge and went to Mylapore to have coffee without telling my parents. A mere distance of 5 kilometres which was previously unreachable became reachable with just a bit of courage and planning. Did your crush live a few kilometres a

The Will of the Unwilling - Suicide Note of a Dying Breed?

The differences in the motorcycle brands are converging and it will only converge more onto a point of superposition.  Rewriting that and replacing "motorcycle brands" with "people", the differences in the people are converging and it will only converge more onto a point of superposition.  It is not very difficult to see that total convergence is bad irrespective of entity. Michael Crichton, with all his wisdom, wrote that internet is a fall for the human kind. Because the thoughts and ideas that were isolated yielded aggressive and diverse progress. With the advent of internet, it has bought thoughts and ideas closer and they have stopped being unique. Ergo, the progress is linear and no longer diverse. The same is happening to us right now. As people and as motorcycle brands. Do you support feminism or not? It has become black or white. There is no longer a grey area. Such polarized classification will only yield friends or enemies. It will stop being possible for

Appreciating Things that Might Seem Small

There is a very significant reason why any motorcyclist must understand and learn basic maintenance. Often this is bought into the conversation by a frequent traveler when they ask you how are you going to fix a puncture if you get caught on the roads with no one to assist you. Why fix, when you can hire a fix? Knowing? Obviously there are major advantages to knowing how to fix your own motorcycle especially when you are traveling. But our focus for the day is the small things that we often do not talk about. And often the things that we do not talk about are what end up being the more important thing.