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There is a lot of misunderstandings of what ABS is and what it does and more importantly, what it doesn't do. Let us discuss it with a listing of what I think are 3 facts and myths surrounding ABS and why it could save your life someday . ABS is Anti Brake-Locking System As the name implies, it prevents brake locks - the heart-stopping panicking moments of wheel locking up if we apply brake too suddenly. Brakes? Kinda are more important than the engine themselves. This can cause awesome skids which could be attractive if you are a stunt rider and are stunnting. Whereas, if you are trying to stop because you are riding head-on onto oncoming traffic; I have no clue why you would be; but that wouldn't spell good for you, so stopping the biking when you want it to stop is critical for riding. ABS is any system that prevents the wheel lock, by releasing the pressure on the brake disc, if it senses a wheel lock. This is done using motion sensors, which in turn...

The Fallacy of Only One True Love?

A breezy evening with nothing but romance and a long ride on my mind. My first love waiting to be taken out. Yet, the confusion arises as I step out. Who should I hang out with? Who deserves my attention?

One is a lady, my lady.  One is a chick, but still mine. 
Both of them love me to the heart's content and have treated me well.
Yes, there has been fights, small misunderstandings but nothing that couldn't be fixed with a lovely Sunday spent with them.
Both of them demand attention. If they are let alone for a long time, they either go insane or will refuse to love you the same ever after.
But yet, I know that I should not favor one over the other. It just doesn't do justice. Or maybe should I? Does everyone have a favorite from their past? Or do they love what they have with them right now?

Neither of them shares anything in common, except that they both show me a good time.

But all I know, every guy always ogles at a beauty that they see on the road irrespective of their present darling's disapproval.

Maybe it is in the innate nature of the men to cheat. Maybe I am not soo wrong in wishing for more. Or maybe I am just searching for reasons to justify my own actions.

Should I be ashamed? Or should I move on telling myself that I can love more than one at a time? Is it possible to accommodate more than one, in the tiny heart I possess?

In my opinion, the decision is yours to make. Some of us are logical, some emotional. Some of us are a borderline sociopath and some are hair-triggered emotional. Maybe most of us are somewhere in between and few are inclined towards the extremes.

The burden of cheating is sure is too much to carry upon one's shoulders for most people. But so is the burden of not being able to appreciate what I love.

The good thing is that I am more of a sociopath, so but does not mean that it doesn't eat my soul out. And in my opinion, the all mighty has given me the heart, health and the wealth to take care of more than just one motorcycle at once and I will wholeheartedly take care them until the end of time.

Well, one thing I know for sure- when I am spending my time with her, caressing her, taking care of her or riding her hard- only she alone is on my mind and not the other one. The same goes when I am with the other as well. But if I ever decide to settle down, I will settle down for good. This, I guess, is all that matters.

Cheers to the good time past and the better to come!


  1. Either you don't have a girl-friend or you have ensured that your girl-friend never happens to look at this part of your world. ;)

    1. haha!! :D :D!
      I have more than one girlfriends ;) thats the morale of the story buddy!


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