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There is a lot of misunderstandings of what ABS is and what it does and more importantly, what it doesn't do. Let us discuss it with a listing of what I think are 3 facts and myths surrounding ABS and why it could save your life someday . ABS is Anti Brake-Locking System As the name implies, it prevents brake locks - the heart-stopping panicking moments of wheel locking up if we apply brake too suddenly. Brakes? Kinda are more important than the engine themselves. This can cause awesome skids which could be attractive if you are a stunt rider and are stunnting. Whereas, if you are trying to stop because you are riding head-on onto oncoming traffic; I have no clue why you would be; but that wouldn't spell good for you, so stopping the biking when you want it to stop is critical for riding. ABS is any system that prevents the wheel lock, by releasing the pressure on the brake disc, if it senses a wheel lock. This is done using motion sensors, which in turn...

Travel Tamil - A Collaboration for Tamil Specific Travel Vlogs

Hello readers, 
         Happy to inform you that my friend has started a YouTube channel dedicated to traveling and all the various aspects related to traveling, budgeting, and planning which will be done entirely in Tamil!

To all my friends, who are eager to learn more please follow up on the video, and like and subscribe for more content from a fellow avid traveler collaborating with me for making contents related to motorcycles and the state of traveling :)!

You can catch my friend @Travel Tamil

and stay tuned for future posts on what factors do engine life depend upon ;)! and how to prolong yours!


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