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There is a lot of misunderstandings of what ABS is and what it does and more importantly, what it doesn't do. Let us discuss it with a listing of what I think are 3 facts and myths surrounding ABS and why it could save your life someday . ABS is Anti Brake-Locking System As the name implies, it prevents brake locks - the heart-stopping panicking moments of wheel locking up if we apply brake too suddenly. Brakes? Kinda are more important than the engine themselves. This can cause awesome skids which could be attractive if you are a stunt rider and are stunnting. Whereas, if you are trying to stop because you are riding head-on onto oncoming traffic; I have no clue why you would be; but that wouldn't spell good for you, so stopping the biking when you want it to stop is critical for riding. ABS is any system that prevents the wheel lock, by releasing the pressure on the brake disc, if it senses a wheel lock. This is done using motion sensors, which in turn

Why do Engines Vibrate and Can you Reduce Vibrations?

R emember the experiment that you did back in high school? The one using Tuning Forks and Sound? The engine's vibration has everything to do with this important experiment. But wait, are vibrations Good or Bad? How to prevent or overcome them if they are bad? And how are they related to some high school experiment? Read on to understand. Theory of unrefinement states that it is impossible to attain extreme refinement unless the word Yamaha or Kawasaki are involved - actually, I just came up with that :P The engine is a mechanical device that converts energy derived from combustion to kinetic energy of moving piston - which in turn gets converted into rotatory motion thanks to the camshaft. This can easily be seen by the image shown below. The Ideal Engine! But what you see above is an ideal simulation- an ideal that can never be achieved. The engine will always contain microscopic imperfections or the firing of the petrol will happen slightly delayed or advan

Similarities Between ABS and Traction Control

M y dear readers might be wondering why I am comparing two different pieces of technologies. Read on to understand the similarities and why bikes even use it when higher lap times could be made at times without them. There are two types of electronics/electricals that are used on the bike. 1) The components used to keep the bike running - Stator, RR, Ignition Coils, ECUs and more. 2) The components used to control the ride - ABS, Traction Control, LeanAngle Sensors and lot more electronics... Before we dive deep into why they are similar, let us understand what they are at first: ABS, short for Anti Brake-locking System is any electronic intervention in the brakes that will simply release a brake(disk) if it detects that the wheel is stationary (wheel lock) that will result in loss of control or skid. This is generally achieved by measuring wheel rotation and reverse pumping brake fluid if wheel rotation is found to be 0. More Info on Myths about ABS TC is short for Traction

What is the Real Maintenance Cost of a KTM and Can You Own One Right Now?

D o you know what is most painful experiences that a bike lover can have? Imagining your bike lying in the parking because it needs repair work being done. If you are a college going youngster, you would probably curse your parents for not giving you enough pocket money; which is very natural -probably I did as well, back then. But if you are employed waiting for the next paycheck. The auspicious date will come by and pass, but some new expenses will always creep up. Making the bike lie in repair state even longer! This is it. Walking Past This Everyday without Repairing it. That is the Worst Thing Ever! There are a lot of people who confuse Cost of Purchase (CoP) vs Cost of Ownership (CoO) of a Bike.  There are a lot of wise wisdom filled quotes that ask you not to bite more than what you can chew. It applies very well to the principle of CoP vs CoO . Being able to afford the bike, its initial payment, the document, and all the rest simply mean that you ca

Motorcycle Engines or Brakes - Which is Important

So last week some friends and myself were discussing an interesting topic: Which is more important for a motorcycle - Engine or Brakes? And which is the deciding factor when purchasing a motorcycle?. The discussions started with everyone praising Yamaha’s engine, which is praiseworthy - but it led me to retrospect why engines take up the limelight? Opps! Only if the brakes worked jussst a little better! Most people think that the engine is the most important part of the motorcycle, in fact the word motor itself stands for the engine. This I agree upon, but in a practical scenario- we are not just accelerating forward, but also accelerating backwards aka. braking to avoid being killed. Going one step further, Brakes actually out perform the engines on most motorcycles! How? Let us talk numbers to Prove Something: Motorcycles around 500cc (like Honda CBR650, Yamaha R6, Daytona 675 and lots more) 0-100kmph Usually around 3-5 seconds mark. 100

Life of an Offroading Enthusiast - Kolli Travelogue's Teaser

G ood Day Viewers! What a wonderful day to start planning a trip ;) That is what we thought when we started to plan our Kolli Trip! :D After postponing twice, we decided to hit it come what may! And a complete travelogue of the trip is underway. For now, enjoy a short clip to give you an idea of what to expect ;) The ride was one of the most interesting ride, as there were 10 riders in total who converged from three different cities! The first hurdle was coordination as we have a special rider who is known to getting lost :P And when I mean getting lost, I mean taking a wrong turn in the very first turn in the route planned :D! It was an epic moment coordinating with everyone, but all my mates are folks who I have ridden with before and therefore it was as expected. The unexpected was that Kolli is a land of Hairpin Bends, and it lives upto its name!  72 in total, I believe and we soon last count of it how many we rode through. These were interes

3 Facts/Myths about ABS

There is a lot of misunderstandings of what ABS is and what it does and more importantly, what it doesn't do. Let us discuss it with a listing of what I think are 3 facts and myths surrounding ABS and why it could save your life someday . ABS is Anti Brake-Locking System As the name implies, it prevents brake locks - the heart-stopping panicking moments of wheel locking up if we apply brake too suddenly. Brakes? Kinda are more important than the engine themselves. This can cause awesome skids which could be attractive if you are a stunt rider and are stunnting. Whereas, if you are trying to stop because you are riding head-on onto oncoming traffic; I have no clue why you would be; but that wouldn't spell good for you, so stopping the biking when you want it to stop is critical for riding. ABS is any system that prevents the wheel lock, by releasing the pressure on the brake disc, if it senses a wheel lock. This is done using motion sensors, which in turn

Disgrace to the Biking Brotherhood - Ego and Arguments

W e bikers are often asked and made fun of by those who don't understand biking. But I'm never offended by the external crowd because they never understand what biking is about and why we do it. However, very often someone from within the community starts a war that I am better than you and you are inferior. Which is saddening, because it is plain stupid! I recently got into arguments of reason with one guy who was telling me that he is superior be cause he is the most responsible biker and has never ridden is 250cc bike over speed limits on public roads. And was cursing some dude in some video because he was riding faster.  Firstly, I cease to believe that he has never ridden above speed laws :P because it is ridiculous. We live in India, the land of outdated speed rules and very often the road infrastructure goes to hell on a random patch of road. We have superbikes and I myself ride a 44bhp machine. Imagine attempting to stick to laws everywhere :/ 60kmph with

Can Air Filters and Exhaust Pipes Really Increase Motorcycle's Performance?

To understand that question, we need to understand what is breathing.  "Breathing  (or  respiration , or  ventilation ) is the process of moving air into and out of the  lungs  to facilitate  gas exchange , mostly by bringing in  oxygen  and flushing out  carbon dioxide ." - wiki Now we have that cleared, we often confuse how an engine breathes to how we breathe.                        We take in air through our nose, lungs absorb it and the nose expels the CO2 gases. Not How Engine Breathes! This is not how the Engine Breathes. The engine needs oxygen to combust and convert to energy. But it does not have a single inlet and outlet path (nose) for moving the air. To better understand the engine, a diagram of Jet Engine, which is also a type of engine can be used. It is very similar to IC engine but just laid out in one stretch. The Three Stages: Intake, Compression - Combustion, Exhaust Air Filter takes in the air. W